DESERVED! The king did the right thing splashing that tea on his ignorant grandson, like he needs a wake-up call to want to divorce FL when she literally hasn’t done anything wrong. Like I get he didn’t marry her for love, but he couldn’t have spent some of the 9 years they were married to try & get to know her better, but decided to take some white lotus bitch as his lover smh
How exactly does one spin a man on the ground with a blood soaked shoulder as an “affair”?
TheReader. 25
Honestly wish the fl would do more than just walk away. It’s apparent not everyone is satisfied with just that.
DESERVED! The king did the right thing splashing that tea on his ignorant grandson, like he needs a wake-up call to want to divorce FL when she literally hasn’t done anything wrong. Like I get he didn’t marry her for love, but he couldn’t have spent some of the 9 years they were married to try & get to know her better, but decided to take some white lotus bitch as his lover smh
Imma tell you miss ugly: She is nice and not useless like you duh like you don’t even like Raymond