*guys, sorry. was rereading some previous chapters coz I read some in the wrong order (whatev) I’m confused, did she receive sleeping pills from Cavert twice? and when was the first time? coz she was saying she ran out of them and they were effective…. whelp 😛
I don’t know wtf is happening just show romance please
Lè weeb
The heck is hapenning??
Manga lover32
dude we all are confuse as fuck XD
Like wtf? Ugh something like this confusing everytime, theres no connect at last chapter at all
I think this is just a dream or some flash back?
*guys, sorry. was rereading some previous chapters coz I read some in the wrong order (whatev) I’m confused, did she receive sleeping pills from Cavert twice? and when was the first time? coz she was saying she ran out of them and they were effective…. whelp 😛