Rania is the dumb one here. Camilla said it herself didn’t she? If you’re gonna impersonate someone, then do it properly. Rania is being way too obvious and complacent here just because she managed to obtain Camilla’s looks, if her actions don’t match up everyone is gonna see through it, especially Arsien.
You all are acting as if y’ll wouldn’t have blamed her for being too OP, enough of the calling out, she already had 1 ghost with her who can inform other if necessary and the other ghosts are smart. She is someone who likes to do things alone because unconsciously she has the urge to prove herself and protect others. + @Zmm, she got to know that Camilla owned the guiled after it was revealed. Lania was acting quite dumb which made MC over confident and the ghost was pressurizing her alot, ik this seems far reaching but imagine yourself in her shoes. And MC had no way of knowing she had accomplices like that. She only guessed about higher ups. And going inside the house was NOT a dumb move, nor was it a smart one, this would have happened anyways. Camilla was indeed dumb and over confident here but watching her always being right is so mundane and boring.
Oh please stfu, we all know you’ve read the next chapter no need to “bet your money”😭🙏
Mc made a shit retarded move and this is not up for argument
This is 100% in a fantasy story and she is the mc hence only why she’ll survive
Otherwise has it been written by some realistic writer she would have been dead one second into that house
Reina is underestimating camellia hence she survives this plot ONLY BECAUSE SHE HAS THE PLOT ARMOR
Reina by no means is dumb no matter how much the story may try to portray her as such in future for the sake of plot
She knows camellia is not only the owner of ghost guild but also have the support of all duke’s of the empire, 1 mistake and the plan flops with no escape left
In the first place had this scene been 1 bit realistic camellia would have been locked up in the depth of some dungeon worse dead by now
But yeah it’s a fantasy story with camellia as our mc and reina as our antagonist so there you go 👍
@TheReader.25, In this case I don’t find Camilla stupid. If she wouldn’t have took the risk there is no way in the world those fake will come forward. As for fake Camilla,😂😂😂I can bet my money on Arsian. He will find it out the moment she goes near him which she surely will. Even the Petro the idiot can find it out. Camilla doesn’t treat him the way she treats Arsian. She never start conversations with Petro, she doesn’t like to be near him which I guess Petro already knows. I have called him an Idiot because what he did in the past and what he is doing now is annoying but he is actually not an Idiot when it comes to his mind, back to the topic Fake Camilla will surely approach Petro as well (She is too hungry for attention), she doesn’t have the brain I know it for sure now but please don’t disappoint me by approaching Arsian 1st, you will be so dead then.
Yeah mc is unusually an idiot in this scene. Enough for people to call her out on. And she’s been so smart this whole time. I guess you could say she overestimated herself and underestimated her enemy. Not everyone is op.
Rania is the dumb one here. Camilla said it herself didn’t she? If you’re gonna impersonate someone, then do it properly. Rania is being way too obvious and complacent here just because she managed to obtain Camilla’s looks, if her actions don’t match up everyone is gonna see through it, especially Arsien.
You all are acting as if y’ll wouldn’t have blamed her for being too OP, enough of the calling out, she already had 1 ghost with her who can inform other if necessary and the other ghosts are smart. She is someone who likes to do things alone because unconsciously she has the urge to prove herself and protect others. + @Zmm, she got to know that Camilla owned the guiled after it was revealed. Lania was acting quite dumb which made MC over confident and the ghost was pressurizing her alot, ik this seems far reaching but imagine yourself in her shoes. And MC had no way of knowing she had accomplices like that. She only guessed about higher ups. And going inside the house was NOT a dumb move, nor was it a smart one, this would have happened anyways. Camilla was indeed dumb and over confident here but watching her always being right is so mundane and boring.
The comment section got me seated 😅
Oh please stfu, we all know you’ve read the next chapter no need to “bet your money”😭🙏
Mc made a shit retarded move and this is not up for argument
This is 100% in a fantasy story and she is the mc hence only why she’ll survive
Otherwise has it been written by some realistic writer she would have been dead one second into that house
Reina is underestimating camellia hence she survives this plot ONLY BECAUSE SHE HAS THE PLOT ARMOR
Reina by no means is dumb no matter how much the story may try to portray her as such in future for the sake of plot
She knows camellia is not only the owner of ghost guild but also have the support of all duke’s of the empire, 1 mistake and the plan flops with no escape left
In the first place had this scene been 1 bit realistic camellia would have been locked up in the depth of some dungeon worse dead by now
But yeah it’s a fantasy story with camellia as our mc and reina as our antagonist so there you go 👍
@TheReader.25, In this case I don’t find Camilla stupid. If she wouldn’t have took the risk there is no way in the world those fake will come forward. As for fake Camilla,😂😂😂I can bet my money on Arsian. He will find it out the moment she goes near him which she surely will. Even the Petro the idiot can find it out. Camilla doesn’t treat him the way she treats Arsian. She never start conversations with Petro, she doesn’t like to be near him which I guess Petro already knows. I have called him an Idiot because what he did in the past and what he is doing now is annoying but he is actually not an Idiot when it comes to his mind, back to the topic Fake Camilla will surely approach Petro as well (She is too hungry for attention), she doesn’t have the brain I know it for sure now but please don’t disappoint me by approaching Arsian 1st, you will be so dead then.
TheReader. 25
Yeah mc is unusually an idiot in this scene. Enough for people to call her out on. And she’s been so smart this whole time. I guess you could say she overestimated herself and underestimated her enemy. Not everyone is op.
Mc is def an idiot for going alone lmal
You psycho
So MC is an idiot who went alone
Crazy bastard
how can someone be so EVILLLL – you can’t just leave us on such a cliffhanger !!!!!