ShalalaMyOhMy RIGHT?!? Her bangs look like they are going to fly away!! If you go to the first chapter she barely even had any. Now it’s 60% of her head space February 28, 2025 at 7:37 am Log in to Reply
Demonic_CinnamonRoll The more I read the more I can’t seem to unnotice the bangs on the head of the FL… Like, I don’t know, they seem to get higher and higher, at the beginning they were cute, but now… I don’t know, they look like the antlers of some insect… 🦗 August 4, 2024 at 8:40 am Log in to Reply
RIGHT?!? Her bangs look like they are going to fly away!! If you go to the first chapter she barely even had any. Now it’s 60% of her head space
The more I read the more I can’t seem to unnotice the bangs on the head of the FL… Like, I don’t know, they seem to get higher and higher, at the beginning they were cute, but now… I don’t know, they look like the antlers of some insect… 🦗