Freedomstuff05 Oh, come the fuck on… Does he seriously have no sense of saving? It would be pretty easy Just go look for her yourself or follow them To go see what they were talking about. Instead of wasting a bag of silver. January 22, 2025 at 10:34 pm Log in to Reply
TheReader. 25 He really is. Like no sense is tactics whatsoever. Wasting money like water. September 25, 2024 at 10:02 pm Log in to Reply
Oh, come the fuck on… Does he seriously have no sense of saving? It would be pretty easy
Just go look for her yourself or follow them To go see what they were talking about. Instead of wasting a bag of silver.
TheReader. 25
He really is. Like no sense is tactics whatsoever. Wasting money like water.
Nah, MC is a massive pushover b*tch