If you’re gonna do something, don’t be half-asses about it. Especially something that you feel so strongly about. “I don’t ask other people’s opinion on something I strongly believe in.” Like girllll, why do you care about what HORRIBLE people have to say about your relationship with a great guy you KNOW cares about you and you care about him? Like guys don’t live like this girl 🤣 Be selfish about the things, life, and people you love 😭 Life is too short to force yourself to sacrifice things for little to no good reason 😩
I just don’t understand why she can’t tell him a little bit of the truth or at least keep dating him. If Gwihyeon can do it so can she. All she’s doing is torturing herself and him. Be a little more shameless this is your life too. Everyone around her is moving forward however they can and she is still stuck playing second fiddle.
Ugh seriously 🫤 break up ?
she pissed me off…. she’s willing to be used by the same scumbag like in her past life… stupid and boring. I don’t think i’ll keep reading this.
No!!!! You will regret it!!!
If you’re gonna do something, don’t be half-asses about it. Especially something that you feel so strongly about. “I don’t ask other people’s opinion on something I strongly believe in.” Like girllll, why do you care about what HORRIBLE people have to say about your relationship with a great guy you KNOW cares about you and you care about him? Like guys don’t live like this girl 🤣 Be selfish about the things, life, and people you love 😭 Life is too short to force yourself to sacrifice things for little to no good reason 😩
Yeah you are right
I just don’t understand why she can’t tell him a little bit of the truth or at least keep dating him. If Gwihyeon can do it so can she. All she’s doing is torturing herself and him. Be a little more shameless this is your life too. Everyone around her is moving forward however they can and she is still stuck playing second fiddle.