Use thy common sense. She is clearly plotting evil since she knows she will end up dead coz she is a hominculus. Haha. Pls do not drink it. Let her drink on her own. She will not die. She is not human after all. 🙄🙄🙄
Whelp this is certainly going the way Ive read from spoiler and it’s pissing me off. How is Frienza an empire still standing they need to fall to their doom now.
I hate Ashtarte’s family so I’m glad she never truly forgives them because their idiots anyways. The only reason their trying to attempt at getting on her good side is because she dislikes them and their ego can’t handle it.
If ashtarte falls for that idek what to say
Use thy common sense. She is clearly plotting evil since she knows she will end up dead coz she is a hominculus. Haha. Pls do not drink it. Let her drink on her own. She will not die. She is not human after all. 🙄🙄🙄
Don’t drink that damn thing
so look bitch I hate u u hate me I think u wanna kill me so lets be friends but drink my tea
Whelp this is certainly going the way Ive read from spoiler and it’s pissing me off. How is Frienza an empire still standing they need to fall to their doom now.
I hate Ashtarte’s family so I’m glad she never truly forgives them because their idiots anyways. The only reason their trying to attempt at getting on her good side is because she dislikes them and their ego can’t handle it.
Welp she’s more stupid than I thought, I thought she was gonna play the victim but she just being fucking obvious abt it
she’s so suspicious like tone it down a notch
ur gonna kill me so DRINK THE TEA ☕️
sorry u can do better than that
Bitch die ,roast in hell .