That head maid should be beheaded. All this time even seeing the green blood.. She still sides on that monster and she knows and wanted to kill Ashtarte too. Grrrr.
No mercy on Amaryllis. She is plain evil.. Covering everything not hers and even pulling her hair while killing her. The audacity!!? I hate her so much. No pity.. She chose to be a tool to kill.. I hope she suffers well.
Hmm………. . . . . . . . FU*****ING B****** di**
That head maid should be beheaded. All this time even seeing the green blood.. She still sides on that monster and she knows and wanted to kill Ashtarte too. Grrrr.
No mercy on Amaryllis. She is plain evil.. Covering everything not hers and even pulling her hair while killing her. The audacity!!? I hate her so much. No pity.. She chose to be a tool to kill.. I hope she suffers well.
Yeo if they don’t see her free blood and find out whatever monster she is ima be pissed
the priest is planning to kill both what a mf
Belladonna sadness
Hhah white trash is gonna die too that priest’s gonna kill ya bro