I don’t care if that monster bitch won’t survive. She is pure evil anyway. Include that head maid among those who will be beheaded with the hight priest and the dark magic mage.
If someone will show mercy and pity on that bitch monster hominculus Amaryllis and make excuses for her actions for killing Ashtarte are all insane and pathetic.. She is clearly pure evil and she chose to do the bidding of that high priest devil.
I hate her yup. Find out her blood.
I don’t care if that monster bitch won’t survive. She is pure evil anyway. Include that head maid among those who will be beheaded with the hight priest and the dark magic mage.
If someone will show mercy and pity on that bitch monster hominculus Amaryllis and make excuses for her actions for killing Ashtarte are all insane and pathetic.. She is clearly pure evil and she chose to do the bidding of that high priest devil.
Guys the next chapter hasn’t even started and I’m already pissed 😊
Watch the other sis not make it and everyone blames her. Imma be pissed.
thank you 😊👍👍
oh wow
That green blood. I really want them to find out. Her brothers and father too
They might be thinking that green blood is matcha 🤣🤣🤣
Did nobody notice the green blood? Like, wtf…