I want to but don’t want to think she is dead cuz the blood can be given back and given what she is she will wake up. So if I rejoice Abt her death I might just be pissed later
The family did not believe Isaiah about the green blood of Amyrillis. So when he tried to get her, the evil high priest already killed her and drained all her blood so no evidence can be found anymore. So I wanna know also if they will not believe that she is a monster hominculus until the end? 😔
Uh did we read the same story? Cause Isiah already said the blood was green but no one believes him so he went to the church to get the blood but the blood was drain from the body. For the time at the tea party, the maid probably clean it because she doesn’t want the secret was find out so no one seen it since she’s the one who bring the girl to Isiah. This might be wrong but since manhwa is based on the novel, there’s a lot of scenes that are not shown in the manhwa.
I want to but don’t want to think she is dead cuz the blood can be given back and given what she is she will wake up. So if I rejoice Abt her death I might just be pissed later
The family did not believe Isaiah about the green blood of Amyrillis. So when he tried to get her, the evil high priest already killed her and drained all her blood so no evidence can be found anymore. So I wanna know also if they will not believe that she is a monster hominculus until the end? 😔
Uh did we read the same story? Cause Isiah already said the blood was green but no one believes him so he went to the church to get the blood but the blood was drain from the body. For the time at the tea party, the maid probably clean it because she doesn’t want the secret was find out so no one seen it since she’s the one who bring the girl to Isiah. This might be wrong but since manhwa is based on the novel, there’s a lot of scenes that are not shown in the manhwa.
Are they blind the GREEN BLOOD!?
Do i have to spell it out now how did theyy nott see itt!!?
Frr I agree with the comment like r we just gonna ignore the green blood from her mouth and the blood stain or what?
Yes I can’t believe none of them seen the green blood smfh
Literally tho, also why not get the priest that helped her first, he saw how weird it was
None of this would be happening if so many people won’t so damn blind to miss all the green blood from before! Frustrating plot hole.