i want to keep reading..but can she please stop being cringey 😭 she’s like “omgee..hE oNly sMiLe At mE, LoOk! hE lOoKiNg s0 cOLd toWardS OtHerw wOmEn Ok. oNly Me”-smiling like an idi0t 🤦♀️
ML look so decent, so please let the fl not too ‘fool’ 🥲 the author ready did the mc dirty
Lady Anastasia
i want to keep reading..but can she please stop being cringey 😭 she’s like “omgee..hE oNly sMiLe At mE, LoOk! hE lOoKiNg s0 cOLd toWardS OtHerw wOmEn Ok. oNly Me”-smiling like an idi0t 🤦♀️
ML look so decent, so please let the fl not too ‘fool’ 🥲 the author ready did the mc dirty