@lazy student
? Why not? this Chapter implies, that there is a higher reason that it happens at this time.
For me personally there are 4 suspects:
– Cha Yujin: He has a hard time right now, could be he is jealous of MCs teammates
, but my mainreason to suspsect him is that he showed up in this arc and that could be forshadowing . Kinda flimmsy.
-Ryu Jeongwoo: We barely know anything about him, except he is a good leader. Could he could be the charismatic Chessmaster archetype.
Another reason, He is Cha Yujin teamleader, so why didn’t Cha Yujin go to him?
-Choi Wongil: He has kinda a bad personality, but i think he would have targeted the MC directly.
– Lee Sejin A: My main suspect, because he seems to desire to be center stage so bad his team falls appart. Someone having the same name as him, and doing better then him most likely annoys him to no end.
I love their friendship sm 😭
@yobikir most likely it’s just a random guy who hates him
just noticed it was Choi Wongil was the one who wanted to be center stage, so my main suspect falls appart 🙁
@lazy student
? Why not? this Chapter implies, that there is a higher reason that it happens at this time.
For me personally there are 4 suspects:
– Cha Yujin: He has a hard time right now, could be he is jealous of MCs teammates
, but my mainreason to suspsect him is that he showed up in this arc and that could be forshadowing . Kinda flimmsy.
-Ryu Jeongwoo: We barely know anything about him, except he is a good leader. Could he could be the charismatic Chessmaster archetype.
Another reason, He is Cha Yujin teamleader, so why didn’t Cha Yujin go to him?
-Choi Wongil: He has kinda a bad personality, but i think he would have targeted the MC directly.
– Lee Sejin A: My main suspect, because he seems to desire to be center stage so bad his team falls appart. Someone having the same name as him, and doing better then him most likely annoys him to no end.
Mmmmmm good job my moondae puppy ○3○
lazy student
@Yobikir oh pls no
I suspect the other Sejin to be the instigator.