Indeed, my sharp detect- ahem, eyes! I knew it from his back, he’s a very fine man. And Nike is soooo freaking pretty! I just had to screenshot them for my of reference 😩
I also wish that Miela’s family will adopt Lus once she finds him. I want some wholesome sibling moments with them
i just realized she was named victoria because of victory and nike is the greek good of victory
Husband Collector
Indeed, my sharp detect- ahem, eyes! I knew it from his back, he’s a very fine man. And Nike is soooo freaking pretty! I just had to screenshot them for my of reference 😩
I also wish that Miela’s family will adopt Lus once she finds him. I want some wholesome sibling moments with them
I couldn’t even recognise him💀💀 It seemed like he grew younger💀💀
Victoria is a lucky girl, but Siegfred is a lucky man… ahh! Pansexual crisis!
I knew it he’s a hottie
he’s so fine I thought he’s an old man😕