Eleceed - Chapter 161
Action, Comedy, Eleceed, Hot, Hot manhwa, Listing Hot Comic, Manhwa, recommend Shounen, recommendation Shounen, recommendations Shounen, recommended Shounen, Shounen, Shounen recommend, Shounen recommendation, Shounen recommendations, Shounen recommended, Son Jeho, Supernatural, بذور الكهرباء, تجاوز الكهرباء, 일렉시드
Smexy Men
The Catto Kayden’s Attacks introduce so far “Meow Meow Bitch” and “Nya. Ang.” Most powerful so far is “Nya. Ang.” as “Meow Meow Bitch” was used to attack a lowly teacher (Poor Paws have been dirtied) and “Nya. Ang.” was used to attack a supposedly Mythical Beast that basically can withstand any damage.
Silent Reader
Welcome to meow meow hell b*tch ??
Pfft mythical beast that no normal animal can hurt. Ohhh our great kayden CASEIN NITRATE! will you humble this black panther who doesnt know its place for the sake of the dog!