@sakiko_chan Your guesses are plausible but that might not be the case as well. You see this is the world of Novel where the characters are made with a predestined route in mind. If someone from the outside world breaks the loop those characters starts to question the most basic thing “why they like the female lead?”, the same thing which happened in “Miss not so sidekick” (this manhwa is worth reading). They question it then they forget but the question again resurfaces and they start to notice little things about the Female lead which leads to one conclusion”this girl is not so special, so why in the world I was so captivated/attracted to her?”, then they lose interest and starts to find the new target of their affection which is exactly the person who broke the loop.
Don’t tell me the princess brainwashed them? Or maybe use something that make them fall in love with her like love potion?? And I still don’t think that this blond girl is the culprit
that blonde girl annoys me so badly
@Riyene, very interesting indeed. I think you are onto something. Reminds me of another manhwa I read not too long ago.
So you see I don’t think it’s her who actually did that rather it is the actual setting of the story.
@sakiko_chan Your guesses are plausible but that might not be the case as well. You see this is the world of Novel where the characters are made with a predestined route in mind. If someone from the outside world breaks the loop those characters starts to question the most basic thing “why they like the female lead?”, the same thing which happened in “Miss not so sidekick” (this manhwa is worth reading). They question it then they forget but the question again resurfaces and they start to notice little things about the Female lead which leads to one conclusion”this girl is not so special, so why in the world I was so captivated/attracted to her?”, then they lose interest and starts to find the new target of their affection which is exactly the person who broke the loop.
Don’t tell me the princess brainwashed them? Or maybe use something that make them fall in love with her like love potion?? And I still don’t think that this blond girl is the culprit