It was funny… That Duke Duncan is brother or father? I think should be father as he looks older. Haha. I can’t remember if father have long hair. FL is getting prettier.. I love the art so much. Funny how he whines of her father. Still calling her Hailey Duncan means he doesn’t fully trust her yet.. Then much better to delay your first night until you fall over heels with each other. Hehe
So they’re FIRST COUSINS?!?!?!
It is father probably. tl makes occasionally mistakes
To be loved 😭
It was funny… That Duke Duncan is brother or father? I think should be father as he looks older. Haha. I can’t remember if father have long hair. FL is getting prettier.. I love the art so much. Funny how he whines of her father. Still calling her Hailey Duncan means he doesn’t fully trust her yet.. Then much better to delay your first night until you fall over heels with each other. Hehe
Poor guy, suffering because of fl father and those damn evil spirits
So freaking cute. I love them so much 😆❤️
hahaha he’s so cute, it’s like a husband whining and complaining like a child to their wife
Husband Collector
I knew it! That gorgeous ghost was the first emperor
Athanasia de Alger Obelia
That criminal offensive side eh😂 BTW brother of father? I’m confused
The side eye👀😂
thank you so much… I love it