@Crossanddie It’s just feeding us with important information so we can understand what’s coming later.
Meaning it’s going to be pretty complicated story.
It reminds me of Release that Witch forits complexity. I’m talking about the novel, because the manhua is swinging between providing informational text out of the blue at times, and feels a bit futile and even childish at some other times, not really helped by graphics betraying the original story a lot. But the novel is really good.
@Crossanddie It’s just feeding us with important information so we can understand what’s coming later.
Meaning it’s going to be pretty complicated story.
It reminds me of Release that Witch forits complexity. I’m talking about the novel, because the manhua is swinging between providing informational text out of the blue at times, and feels a bit futile and even childish at some other times, not really helped by graphics betraying the original story a lot. But the novel is really good.
Is this just me but these story is taking to long just get to point.