gosh similar incident happnd today. what a cliche life i am having. i and my father wanted to buy a shampoo in the medical shop. we went yesterday night and it was raining hard but the shop was closed (the audacity to make a vip like this tsk……..) so today we went in the morning and it was hella sunny i felt like i became a roasted chicken and AGAIN the shop was closed…………turn out they moved places……and it just the opposite to the previous shop…………………. now i can say to my child “i went all day in rainy days and sunny days just, JUST to buy a shampoo”
the biggest simp of every decade
gosh similar incident happnd today. what a cliche life i am having. i and my father wanted to buy a shampoo in the medical shop. we went yesterday night and it was raining hard but the shop was closed (the audacity to make a vip like this tsk……..) so today we went in the morning and it was hella sunny i felt like i became a roasted chicken and AGAIN the shop was closed…………turn out they moved places……and it just the opposite to the previous shop…………………. now i can say to my child “i went all day in rainy days and sunny days just, JUST to buy a shampoo”
TheReader. 25
Ahh she’s supposed to he able to handle herself right. . She seems to have more awareness bow but seems to lack common sense.
This is like when I invited friends to a restaurant but they were out of business (︶︹︺)
this is equivalent to around chapter 40-50 in the novel, isnt the pace scaling too fast?
@Yushra, the title u want to looking for is “the crazy villainese in this area is me”
Their acc so cute together
I don’t really see alot of happy ml like this one 😭
Is there no Novelupdates forum for this?
Belladonna sadness
Go go mister golden retriever your future wife is kidnapped…ofc no shit she’s from revenge historical fiction so