🤣🤣Hahahaha, her father ended up in the Yamcha curl after talking all that smack. But yeah, sadly she’s stuck on fantasy dukes… other than that I bet she can take care of herself just fine.
L father. Anyways who needs to live in a kingdom like this it’s practically dictatorship might as well accept the exile and start over in a country where you’re not randomly exiled because of someone else’s mistake
– Yamchaaaa!!!! Oh wait… that’s not him. That’s the Viscount!! He got Yamchad! Where is Krillin when we need a
Lol I love this already. The viscounty residence is pretty modest for a noble’s abode bur still a beautiful residence.. I am camping here!
Hahaha interesting 😂
I’m sorry is that pronounced click-ia or should I literally click my tongue?
Lmao she said “get tf out my way pops” *pow*
Finally a fl with powers
The Lurker
🤣🤣Hahahaha, her father ended up in the Yamcha curl after talking all that smack. But yeah, sadly she’s stuck on fantasy dukes… other than that I bet she can take care of herself just fine.
L father. Anyways who needs to live in a kingdom like this it’s practically dictatorship might as well accept the exile and start over in a country where you’re not randomly exiled because of someone else’s mistake