Since everyone be sayin the emperor doesn’t deserve the fl so I can have him right? If not then I get the little brother, if taken then the blonde Duke and if he taken as well, the I’ll get the Royal guy disguised as a slave boy she saved and his supposed little brother😭
“Aren’t you stuffy Northern Doss?”
Well, until he is not DDoS… X’D
Since everyone be sayin the emperor doesn’t deserve the fl so I can have him right? If not then I get the little brother, if taken then the blonde Duke and if he taken as well, the I’ll get the Royal guy disguised as a slave boy she saved and his supposed little brother😭
Shipping FL to the Northern Duke. He deserve her more since he is always by her side…
She’s so cute
I like him better than her husband, because he always there for her
But she’s deserve to know, about her husband appearance..