Wow this is so relatable. My dad passed away when I was on second year of highschool. My mom had never worked her entire life and my big sis was just starting internship as a teacher. I couldn’t afford to pay for tutoring when literally everyone else got one for univ entrance preparation. My self esteem & confidence hit rock bottom, and so was my grade. I ended up graduating with average score ( I have always excelled before through my elementary till the first year of highschool) and failing the university entrance test. Had to stay home for a whole year when my friends started college. Feeling depressed and useless and had no one to talk to cuz everyone in my family was struggling and thriving to survive. It really was a hard time…
@Pietchan, i hope u r doing good now
Wow this is so relatable. My dad passed away when I was on second year of highschool. My mom had never worked her entire life and my big sis was just starting internship as a teacher. I couldn’t afford to pay for tutoring when literally everyone else got one for univ entrance preparation. My self esteem & confidence hit rock bottom, and so was my grade. I ended up graduating with average score ( I have always excelled before through my elementary till the first year of highschool) and failing the university entrance test. Had to stay home for a whole year when my friends started college. Feeling depressed and useless and had no one to talk to cuz everyone in my family was struggling and thriving to survive. It really was a hard time…