They are going to switch the knife. I hope she will notice before she stabs her. Or there is going to be a bad incident between the duke and the royal family. which might be what someone wants.
There will DEFINITELY something wrong with the props. And for some reason, I suspect the black-dress maid. Someone will probably change something for sure!
They are going to switch the knife. I hope she will notice before she stabs her. Or there is going to be a bad incident between the duke and the royal family. which might be what someone wants.
There will DEFINITELY something wrong with the props. And for some reason, I suspect the black-dress maid. Someone will probably change something for sure!
Lets hopeee
Yeah there’s absolutely no way we’re not gonna get a knife switch or some other deadly prop switch at this point lol
Ah… Seems my first comment did come through… It didn’t show up even when I refreshed the tab, only when I wrote a second comment. Kunmanga is buggy.
So… Who is the biatch that is gonna change the fake knife to be real one? Or is that a red herring?
So who is the biatch that going to change the fake knife to real one? Or is that just a red herring?