STAYLen very random time skip, could’ve been better timed October 29, 2024 at 4:51 am Log in to Reply
Feyren Two problems… Why the bandage is on top of her sleeve? And why the random 10-month jump without any character interactions? Isn’t that just bad storytelling, or did translation accidentally say months instead of days? Or weeks? June 24, 2024 at 9:22 pm Log in to Reply
very random time skip, could’ve been better timed
10 months is so random
Already been 10 months?
10 months is a huge ass time skip bro 😭
Two problems… Why the bandage is on top of her sleeve?
And why the random 10-month jump without any character interactions? Isn’t that just bad storytelling, or did translation accidentally say months instead of days? Or weeks?