I just can’t feel sorry for her. I really can’t. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been reading the entire thing straight and the backstory is still too fresh but she made her own bed. And she had to lie in it. She did it. Yeah fuck Philip. He’s definitely at fault for all this, but ain’t he do that shit by himself. He didn’t get there on his own. That was a partnership. That was a two-way street.
I just can’t feel sorry for her. I really can’t. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been reading the entire thing straight and the backstory is still too fresh but she made her own bed. And she had to lie in it. She did it. Yeah fuck Philip. He’s definitely at fault for all this, but ain’t he do that shit by himself. He didn’t get there on his own. That was a partnership. That was a two-way street.
I think the goddess is tainted by dark magic that Phillip used it’s not her fault 😢