FL you dumb bitch!!! She kidnapped you! And you forgave her!? Why the fuck didn’t ml send her ass to the gallows. Not only that but deliberately try to fuck you over with walnuts. Grow a back bone! You are of a higher standing then her act like it!!!
FL you dumb bitch!!! She kidnapped you! And you forgave her!? Why the fuck didn’t ml send her ass to the gallows. Not only that but deliberately try to fuck you over with walnuts. Grow a back bone! You are of a higher standing then her act like it!!!
Olivia obviously doesn’t want to be your servant and is lashing out, you idiot
Olivia is definitely sus.. Her mistakes looks intentional and pretending to be kind and apologetic., 🤣
I wonder if she is actually pregnant
I also want to stop reading, but the ML seems really promising ><
lately i’ve been reading manhwas with stupid fl’s and i’m only continuing it cuz of the ml, i wonder how long i can go on before i get sick of them
The fl is so stupid