When teenmanhua take over bunch of translation and sometimes the translation become sucks like from LOTILUCIA transform to ROTILUCIA from SEIRINA to SIRINA WTF isnt there any translator out there that was better than teenmanhua sometimes i dont even know what im reading was…the translation sucks…
Poor alezter and FL:((
manga reader
@Leticia Luwelton I AGREEE!!
The official one droppend it and I can’t find anyyy other translation group… It’s quite hard to understand now
Leticia Luwelton
When teenmanhua take over bunch of translation and sometimes the translation become sucks like from LOTILUCIA transform to ROTILUCIA from SEIRINA to SIRINA WTF isnt there any translator out there that was better than teenmanhua sometimes i dont even know what im reading was…the translation sucks…