Aprincesspie Omg I’m so confused but excited at the same time July 6, 2023 at 3:12 pm Log in to Reply
Hana Lu But well, real life biology really can do beyond humanity in fictional world after all 🥴 June 24, 2023 at 8:37 pm Log in to Reply
Hana Lu She’s freaking born with a twin. Human are not like feline who can get pregnant with babies from different males at the same time. June 24, 2023 at 8:37 pm Log in to Reply
poppyBibi im not sure but i felt like this was a confusing introduction of the story. or am i just sleepy ? i dunno i’ll just keep reading June 9, 2023 at 7:45 pm Log in to Reply
Omg I’m so confused but excited at the same time
Hana Lu
But well, real life biology really can do beyond humanity in fictional world after all 🥴
Hana Lu
She’s freaking born with a twin. Human are not like feline who can get pregnant with babies from different males at the same time.
nah that was totally confusing, not just you poppy
im not sure but i felt like this was a confusing introduction of the story. or am i just sleepy ? i dunno i’ll just keep reading