Ohhhh I’m not ready for it to end, but that wasn’t a bad way to do it! I’d love to see more of the coexistence and following troubles. It’s cute that they’re married but still get all blushy when they’re caught kissing. Guys, you had a honeymoon, right? A bit of PDA is t going to shock anyone. I loved this, I loved THEM and I hope more people come to read this. I hope it gets an anime, and/or a spin off. Thank you, author, illustrator, and translators for every bit of your work on this, I love you all too. You deserve so much for giving us the joy of your story.
Ohhhh I’m not ready for it to end, but that wasn’t a bad way to do it! I’d love to see more of the coexistence and following troubles. It’s cute that they’re married but still get all blushy when they’re caught kissing. Guys, you had a honeymoon, right? A bit of PDA is t going to shock anyone. I loved this, I loved THEM and I hope more people come to read this. I hope it gets an anime, and/or a spin off. Thank you, author, illustrator, and translators for every bit of your work on this, I love you all too. You deserve so much for giving us the joy of your story.
i lowk hope this gets an anime
I wanna see more of the “coexistence” and maybe Moah’s children as well 🧡
Its a long journey for this series, I will miss this. One of the best series out there.