If the only way you can get your way is hurting innocent people,then your way is incorrect, you are a worthless piece of trash that will die at the hands of someone who you treasured like gold
Cass: hey we shouldn’t kill or harm innocent people just to get what we want, actually.
Everyone else: no, you’re wrong.
Listen, i love me a morally grey protagonist, but i also really enjoy an mc that’s determined to cling to her sense of justice even when everyone else is almost actively trying to get her to bend her morals.
Lbh, if in the real world a village was slaughtered just bc they were in the way of a chase, you’d hate the killer too. Cass is objectively correct and it’s this kind of integrety that stops dictators from rising. And it’s not like she doesn’t understand nuance either. We’ve seen her accept and understand multple different people with differnet motives and ideal from her throughout the entire story. She just refuses to sacrifice innocent people just to get what she wants faster and easier.
I don’t agree, I don’t see the point to step on ppl in order to help your own. Does that mean if others do it to you it’s fine cause they were protecting their ppl. No cause every life is equal. Just cause you see one life as more cause you’ve known it longer doesn’t mean it’s more valuable than someone you never met. The relationship yes but the life no. This friend is also a king. This isn’t some rando it’s a person who protects its ppl. Not see them as stepping stones. I think looking at it like those two do is the weak and simple minded way. But our fl is actually going the hard route cause she can see value in life that the others don’t want to see. They wouldn’t be saying this if it was her life as a stepping stone for Leo to get what he needed. What if the situation was switch and the bad guy took the locket or whatever it was and said I’ll give it to you if you kill the fl. Would that be okay? No cause he put value on her life. But yet if he did that to everyone then nothing in that situation would be okay.
If the only way you can get your way is hurting innocent people,then your way is incorrect, you are a worthless piece of trash that will die at the hands of someone who you treasured like gold
Cass: hey we shouldn’t kill or harm innocent people just to get what we want, actually.
Everyone else: no, you’re wrong.
Listen, i love me a morally grey protagonist, but i also really enjoy an mc that’s determined to cling to her sense of justice even when everyone else is almost actively trying to get her to bend her morals.
Lbh, if in the real world a village was slaughtered just bc they were in the way of a chase, you’d hate the killer too. Cass is objectively correct and it’s this kind of integrety that stops dictators from rising. And it’s not like she doesn’t understand nuance either. We’ve seen her accept and understand multple different people with differnet motives and ideal from her throughout the entire story. She just refuses to sacrifice innocent people just to get what she wants faster and easier.
I don’t agree, I don’t see the point to step on ppl in order to help your own. Does that mean if others do it to you it’s fine cause they were protecting their ppl. No cause every life is equal. Just cause you see one life as more cause you’ve known it longer doesn’t mean it’s more valuable than someone you never met. The relationship yes but the life no. This friend is also a king. This isn’t some rando it’s a person who protects its ppl. Not see them as stepping stones. I think looking at it like those two do is the weak and simple minded way. But our fl is actually going the hard route cause she can see value in life that the others don’t want to see. They wouldn’t be saying this if it was her life as a stepping stone for Leo to get what he needed. What if the situation was switch and the bad guy took the locket or whatever it was and said I’ll give it to you if you kill the fl. Would that be okay? No cause he put value on her life. But yet if he did that to everyone then nothing in that situation would be okay.
Aria hit it spot on, I like her response.