I was just trying to prevent the breakup of the main characters - Chapter 40

1stkissmanga, A Thousand Year Engagment, Best Manhwa, Good Manhwa, Hot manhwa, I Just Want To Walk On The Flower Road, I was just trying to prevent the breakup of the main characters, kunmanga, mangazin, manhwa websites, The Planned First Kiss, The Princess Double Life, The Princess Double Life manga, The Princess Double Life manhwa, The Princess Wishes To Die Peacefully, You're a Supporting Character Just Love Me
LatteXArwin Forever
You sound just like your name @little_shit………have patience bro and story is medium paced not too fast not too slow , i have seen shits where they hold hands after 70+ chapters this story is ofcourse better than many mahnwas and any misunderstanding doesn’t last more than 2 chapters here whereas some mahnwas misunderstanding take whole arcs like 5-10chapters
pretty little shit
I don’t like the Duke at all. I hope there’s a good other lead