I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life - Chapter 156
Comics book, Drama, En cette vie, eu serei a matriarca, Fantasy, Hotmanga, I Will Be the Lord, I'll Become the Head of the Family, I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life, Ibeonsaeng-eun Gajuga Doegessseubnida, In This Life, je deviendrai la cheffe de famille, kunmanga, Manga, Manga Hot, manga new, Manga Trending, Manganew, Manhua, Manhwa, Nesta vida, Webtoons, В этой жизни я - глава семьи, На сей раз я - хозяйка этой жизни, Я стану хозяйкой этой жизни, 이번 생은 가주가 되겠습니다
I forgot the contents of the novel haha but I’m glad that Ramona is not a threat because she’s really pretty and kind.
There’s spoiler here people don’t read. And guys let’s left people to be enjoying the sotry without spoiler
Why are people so eager to comment spoilers?
I love u guys.
Ooh it’s here! I remember being so emotional reading this part in the novel
Each hour that pass the charaters are slowly losing hope that Tia is still alive because of how long she’s been stuck under layers and layers of dirt and big rocks. Perez used his mana to dig faster. He wouldn’t stop til someone made him realize that if he got too exhausted nobody else will get Tia out of the rubble in time so he got rest for a bit. I wonder how many chapters will it take for him to rescue her
spoiler alert
in upcoming chapter florentia will fall down in that landslide and perez will go imidietly to check her the whole lombardi will come in the north(except that bastard uncle and his family)
and after they will find her.
AND tia and perez will have their first kiss
Firentia deliberately called Ramona “Lady” because Ramona is the daughter of the supposed head of the fallen House of Brown (the family that founded the Imperial Swordsmanship and was overthrown by the Angenases). She will not pose a threat to Tia and Perez’s relationship, instead, she’ll look up to Tia and succeed her father to become the Head of Brown. Btw, she’s a swordsman second only to Perez. She’s better than the twins iirc.
Danm I can’t wait for the next chapter 🔥🔥🔥
Crazy Perez soon let’s gooooo
Yes I can’t wait for the next episode and Perez’s reaction to Florentia stuck in a landslide
Oopsie I suppose were close to when florentia got stuck in a landslide