I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life - Chapter 84
Comics book, Drama, En cette vie, eu serei a matriarca, Fantasy, Hotmanga, I Will Be the Lord, I'll Become the Head of the Family, I’ll Be The Matriarch In This Life, Ibeonsaeng-eun Gajuga Doegessseubnida, In This Life, je deviendrai la cheffe de famille, kunmanga, Manga, Manga Hot, manga new, Manga Trending, Manganew, Manhua, Manhwa, Nesta vida, Webtoons, В этой жизни я - глава семьи, На сей раз я - хозяйка этой жизни, Я стану хозяйкой этой жизни, 이번 생은 가주가 되겠습니다
Daoist Old Man
Also notice mc silhouette just behind her grandfather, I have to recheck this during my reread.
Daoist Old Man
Crowley = Croyly = Croely
Vivi Loves Romance More Than Her Life
Lovevthis scene so much
Yah grandpa it’s not just your son in law the rat inside your house
Tia:”This place’s about to blow…~”
If this b!tch is cheating on my precious auntie I’m about to go feral 😤👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼🏹🪛🔪🪓💣🗡️🪚🧱