Mano…. a cada capítulo, eu tenho cada vez mais certeza de que a Sera era apenas usada como uma boneca para o Presidente. Ela visivelmente precisava de tratamento psicológico e provavelmente seus surtos de raiva vem do estresse que ela passa para tentar se manter de pé enquanto todos querem derrubar ela.
Eu espero que ela consiga achar alguém a ame e respeite.
I fit well in the OFL shoes…constantly being forced to be better than a son and being taunted for even resting is exhausting…just like how the OFL mom does…never being loved by your family and just being taught of chasing money and power sickens me to the stomach…the slide where OFL says “why do I have to endure all this” is not just words but a whole emotional sufferings attached to it…and pretend to be the goody too shoes in the eyes of people is something that requires alot of strength to do and people that are born in powerful families have to face different set problems. Being the best (better than the son), be a good daughter and do what mom says then forced to friends and try to fit in alongside since we haven’t felt love ever in our life we get try to find love in boys that emotionally unavailable. People don’t try to understand us but we have to understand others too (just because they think having money means we are better off then them but they don’t know what all comes hand in hand with money and power). Why do I have to endure all this just is a burden we are forced to carry.
Part of the reason she was lashing out like that is coz they’re insulting him! If you had to endure these insults and backbitching everyday all your life, there comes a point of giving up and lashing out at everyone not caring about the consequences! That’s the case for her.. all she wanted was for someone to pay attention and genuinely care for her just one person! She’s been too broken and need therapy but being among these people is just making it even worse and w her d**k head of a fiancee who could not actually worry for a fellow human being and knowing the reason why she’s lashing out but he just straight away cut her off instead of talking this point,I’m pretty sure she wanted to disappear from that world
um your unpleasant … you narcissistic azz h*le azz MAN just straight up AZZ. And gawn shin look so hot and fine even when sshes gloomy *simping 24/7* grimincing at man aka 24/7
Let me tell you girl the moment there is a need for you to beg for someone’s love and care or make them stay in your life is the moment you should leave those people, it’s not worth it. They will never appreciate you, will never accept you for who you are. They will use you, they will trample upon you, they will judge even for a small stain in your life even if their whole existence is nothing but a stain itself. You will never be truly happy among these kinds.
I don’t think taking over the business was the original goal of Real Sera. She was insulted and targeted almost all the time, said to act accordingly to other people’s convictions, no matter what happens she was expected to endure. Whatever she did for the people she cared for (it was over exaggerated) she was never appreciated, no one took care of her or actually asked how she was doing. I think she wanted to take over the business to shut those damn crows of the people mouths, two things alligned together and became her goal which too was obstructed.
What’s his problem? She may have exaggerated, but man, put yourself in her shoes!! Being insulted, having coffee spilled on your face and having to get married against your will, not being loved by anyone! She is a victim
FUCK OFF ugly peice of sht. SHE’S HURT??? A FUCKING HOT COFFEE IS SPILLED ON HER FACE. SHE’S INSULTED IN HER FACE AND SHE’S THE BAD GUY???? TF??? She’s not the villain 💀 those NPC and MLs are just making her WORST. Shin sera have been through a LOT fuck them all I hate every character here.
bro she literally had coffee spilled on her face [i think it wasn’t hot] BUT STILL ???? how could u say its something that can be easily ignore???? wtfffffff ughhhhhh
Idk i find the ogFL behavior a little too extreme for her age. I know she has some problems but it’s not the way a grown adult and a director of a company behaves.
I can understand why jae eon was fed up with her tbh.
I have some sympathy for ogFl shes like a lonely child throwing tantrums for attention. If anyone had just bothered to reach out to her sincerely she wouldn’t have lashed out like that. She desperately needed therapy
It would be so disappointing if he starts liking her just cause she is different now and worst of all if this girl falls for him, so cliche. The real Shin Sera was right, he should have atleast ask first if she was okay when Hot coffe was spilled on her.
Married … with a kid?
Rein Mihoto
Mano…. a cada capítulo, eu tenho cada vez mais certeza de que a Sera era apenas usada como uma boneca para o Presidente. Ela visivelmente precisava de tratamento psicológico e provavelmente seus surtos de raiva vem do estresse que ela passa para tentar se manter de pé enquanto todos querem derrubar ela.
Eu espero que ela consiga achar alguém a ame e respeite.
I fit well in the OFL shoes…constantly being forced to be better than a son and being taunted for even resting is exhausting…just like how the OFL mom does…never being loved by your family and just being taught of chasing money and power sickens me to the stomach…the slide where OFL says “why do I have to endure all this” is not just words but a whole emotional sufferings attached to it…and pretend to be the goody too shoes in the eyes of people is something that requires alot of strength to do and people that are born in powerful families have to face different set problems. Being the best (better than the son), be a good daughter and do what mom says then forced to friends and try to fit in alongside since we haven’t felt love ever in our life we get try to find love in boys that emotionally unavailable. People don’t try to understand us but we have to understand others too (just because they think having money means we are better off then them but they don’t know what all comes hand in hand with money and power). Why do I have to endure all this just is a burden we are forced to carry.
Tera exrxrxrxr
He is……married?
Part of the reason she was lashing out like that is coz they’re insulting him! If you had to endure these insults and backbitching everyday all your life, there comes a point of giving up and lashing out at everyone not caring about the consequences! That’s the case for her.. all she wanted was for someone to pay attention and genuinely care for her just one person! She’s been too broken and need therapy but being among these people is just making it even worse and w her d**k head of a fiancee who could not actually worry for a fellow human being and knowing the reason why she’s lashing out but he just straight away cut her off instead of talking this point,I’m pretty sure she wanted to disappear from that world
um your unpleasant … you narcissistic azz h*le azz MAN just straight up AZZ. And gawn shin look so hot and fine even when sshes gloomy *simping 24/7* grimincing at man aka 24/7
What the hell man you heartless sht
Let me tell you girl the moment there is a need for you to beg for someone’s love and care or make them stay in your life is the moment you should leave those people, it’s not worth it. They will never appreciate you, will never accept you for who you are. They will use you, they will trample upon you, they will judge even for a small stain in your life even if their whole existence is nothing but a stain itself. You will never be truly happy among these kinds.
I don’t think taking over the business was the original goal of Real Sera. She was insulted and targeted almost all the time, said to act accordingly to other people’s convictions, no matter what happens she was expected to endure. Whatever she did for the people she cared for (it was over exaggerated) she was never appreciated, no one took care of her or actually asked how she was doing. I think she wanted to take over the business to shut those damn crows of the people mouths, two things alligned together and became her goal which too was obstructed.
What’s his problem? She may have exaggerated, but man, put yourself in her shoes!! Being insulted, having coffee spilled on your face and having to get married against your will, not being loved by anyone! She is a victim
FUCK OFF ugly peice of sht. SHE’S HURT??? A FUCKING HOT COFFEE IS SPILLED ON HER FACE. SHE’S INSULTED IN HER FACE AND SHE’S THE BAD GUY???? TF??? She’s not the villain 💀 those NPC and MLs are just making her WORST. Shin sera have been through a LOT fuck them all I hate every character here.
If Evil, Why Handsome?
Dang her original self had a tough life
bro she literally had coffee spilled on her face [i think it wasn’t hot] BUT STILL ???? how could u say its something that can be easily ignore???? wtfffffff ughhhhhh
Idk i find the ogFL behavior a little too extreme for her age. I know she has some problems but it’s not the way a grown adult and a director of a company behaves.
I can understand why jae eon was fed up with her tbh.
I have some sympathy for ogFl shes like a lonely child throwing tantrums for attention. If anyone had just bothered to reach out to her sincerely she wouldn’t have lashed out like that. She desperately needed therapy
Insane about hot
@yahiko i agree
It would be so disappointing if he starts liking her just cause she is different now and worst of all if this girl falls for him, so cliche. The real Shin Sera was right, he should have atleast ask first if she was okay when Hot coffe was spilled on her.