Read manhwa Miss Pendleton / 미스 펜들턴
“A renowned matchmaker of London high society, a twenty-nine-year-old ‘old maid.’ Both contrasting modifiers refer to Laura Pendleton. She receives a request to find a match for a man named Ian Dalton. However, the person he proposes to, who by all accounts is a top bachelor, is none other than Laura herself.
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Even if it’s full of angst and misunderstanding, if it looks this pretty and eloquent, count me in!
OMG Feyren I see I have the same illness as you. that’s why I like angst and stories like olgami. hehe
Hmmm… So this might be a story for me? I have this weird illness that many stories get boring after the couple ends up together. That point, stories often seem to just drag.
Yeah someone said on another site
they only get together until the very end of the main story bc she kept turning him down
I dunno… It looks good but the spoilers to the novel say it’ll be non stop misunderstandings and angst till the very end ¯\_(ツ)_/¯