Poor little girl. I hope those that wronged her suffered a horrible and painful death 😢💔 I also hope the fl names her daughter after the little girl ❤️
I hope that little girl reincarnates as their daughter. Also, the characters that did horrible things to the FL have to suffer wtf. Her brothers, woman that pushed her in the ditch. Even thedore a bit
I hope it was Charlotte or Jen that found her. Let her have a happy life away from you all.
Poor little girl. I hope those that wronged her suffered a horrible and painful death 😢💔 I also hope the fl names her daughter after the little girl ❤️
Urgh he’s so thoroughly annoying. She can’t even get one weekend away from his clingy ass.
I hope that little girl reincarnates as their daughter. Also, the characters that did horrible things to the FL have to suffer wtf. Her brothers, woman that pushed her in the ditch. Even thedore a bit
hope they get back together ngl
I hope she like, names her future daughter after that child or something
Ahhh too short
But thanks for the new chapter
Definitely Theodore, how did he knows?
But don’t worry, you’ve spirit now Lily..
Haha… Her Trash Husband.
Its gonna be him 😑😑