AHH this is such a well-written dynamic though it’s been a shame to see that people only care about one side of the tragedy; i love Lily and really want her happiness, but this story is so much more interesting if you actually consider Theo’s story too :sob:
I think people forget that, as readers, we KNOW Lily’s POV, whereas Theo didn’t. How was he supposed to know she didn’t like the Everetts either? It was REASONABLE to show hostility to the people who ruined his family and *killed* his brother — like, for the longest time, that was one of the things we knew for certain about Theo; that he greatly felt his brother’s passing, that he felt like he should’ve died instead.
One lost a family that they greatly loved, and the other has a family they despise — how could either naturally assume that their relationship with their family would be any different from their own experiences? Why would Theo, a man who adored his family, think that someone would hate their family? How could Lily, who despises the people who call themselves her family, fully understand what it meant to *lose* people that she’d love? Of course, I’m referring to the beginning of the story since they’ve very clearly matured and grown, but what is the point of rooting for our leads, and a character arc + redemption if you can’t even appreciate what a character is trying to be redeemed *from*?
God, I love watching characters evolve; Chapter One Theo would *not* have been worried about Lily to this degree, nor would he have actually taken Lily at her word. On Lily’s hand, she wouldn’t have told him about the curse, or the spirit…. I’m not saying they’re best friends now, but their relationship has actually *improved*!!! Theo looking further past his grief and Lily isn’t hiding her troubles as much — I’m so excited to see how they handle their next hurdles (especially Theo’s lowering self-esteem and Lily’s growing ruthlessness >< )
God , Why All of bitch always overestimate themselves
They are men you want to steal already married
I’m not ship on Theodore but I’m glad at least he is realize that Lily not just a wife but someone so precious
29th of August
Ngl that duke is getting uglier (UwU)/^
@over-analyser please don’t stop writing such detailed comments (^∇^)ノ♪
i’m living up to my username lord
AHH this is such a well-written dynamic though it’s been a shame to see that people only care about one side of the tragedy; i love Lily and really want her happiness, but this story is so much more interesting if you actually consider Theo’s story too :sob:
I think people forget that, as readers, we KNOW Lily’s POV, whereas Theo didn’t. How was he supposed to know she didn’t like the Everetts either? It was REASONABLE to show hostility to the people who ruined his family and *killed* his brother — like, for the longest time, that was one of the things we knew for certain about Theo; that he greatly felt his brother’s passing, that he felt like he should’ve died instead.
One lost a family that they greatly loved, and the other has a family they despise — how could either naturally assume that their relationship with their family would be any different from their own experiences? Why would Theo, a man who adored his family, think that someone would hate their family? How could Lily, who despises the people who call themselves her family, fully understand what it meant to *lose* people that she’d love? Of course, I’m referring to the beginning of the story since they’ve very clearly matured and grown, but what is the point of rooting for our leads, and a character arc + redemption if you can’t even appreciate what a character is trying to be redeemed *from*?
God, I love watching characters evolve; Chapter One Theo would *not* have been worried about Lily to this degree, nor would he have actually taken Lily at her word. On Lily’s hand, she wouldn’t have told him about the curse, or the spirit…. I’m not saying they’re best friends now, but their relationship has actually *improved*!!! Theo looking further past his grief and Lily isn’t hiding her troubles as much — I’m so excited to see how they handle their next hurdles (especially Theo’s lowering self-esteem and Lily’s growing ruthlessness >< )
God , Why All of bitch always overestimate themselves
They are men you want to steal already married
I’m not ship on Theodore but I’m glad at least he is realize that Lily not just a wife but someone so precious