Good damn it I wanted to know what he was gonna say. What about her when she was nine? Will he talk about the day he wished her to live like a dead rat? I forgot if she was nine at that point. Also side note: DOES HE KNOW WHO THE CAT IS? If not does he know that cat is sus? (To him, I love her bio dad)
So smug
I really want to know
me + ML tiddies <3
I know it’s dad vs dad, but emperor vs sly cat is much better😂
Okay im hella interested and wonder if he knows about the dad 😭
Dad vs dad let’s gooooo~
Is the first time both fathers are in the same room 😱
Yes more of this please
Heh smirk
Good damn it I wanted to know what he was gonna say. What about her when she was nine? Will he talk about the day he wished her to live like a dead rat? I forgot if she was nine at that point. Also side note: DOES HE KNOW WHO THE CAT IS? If not does he know that cat is sus? (To him, I love her bio dad)
Did the king know all along that the cat was the tower master?!