Roger seems used to hurting himself while he thinks he is sinning. Our poor ML. Duke go away., you already pushed her away and told her not to show her face
If you’re still reading this magna like I said can’t help stupidity it’s not like authors have enough going with crappy pay and being overworked now they have to worry about another delusional fan named silvye threatening their lives over fictional characters it is truly sad.
Why can’t that guy just fuck off! He’s the one that told her to not come near him. Now he’s going to her. Leave her alone. I need my ship to sail peacefully!
Roger seems used to hurting himself while he thinks he is sinning. Our poor ML. Duke go away., you already pushed her away and told her not to show her face
I know y’all love Roger but I’m the odd one out who likes 2nd ml the best..
If you’re still reading this magna like I said can’t help stupidity it’s not like authors have enough going with crappy pay and being overworked now they have to worry about another delusional fan named silvye threatening their lives over fictional characters it is truly sad.
Roger needs to be the ml!!!!!!! Please!!! If he doesn’t go, I’ll kill the author! And hey disappear, stay away from her Duke trash!!
Pls pls pls be a peaceful next chapter without yelling and being dumb 😇😊😇😊😇
Why can’t that guy just fuck off! He’s the one that told her to not come near him. Now he’s going to her. Leave her alone. I need my ship to sail peacefully!
Kawaii anime
Run girl