lol yes marry him gurl, at last the development! marry him so you can become ruthless, grow some spine and learn the game of thrones 😂 and if you can’t go back to your world, devise a way to survive there or kill him if need be 😝 i still prefer the duke status, there’s a lil bit of freedom but the two men will kill each other anyway to get you so be at the top position for now. think later when you learn how the prince works 👌
I mean it’s already a nightmare being charm 999, might as well go with the worst candidate to get it over with. At least if she messes up his life he 10000% deserves it
lol yes marry him gurl, at last the development! marry him so you can become ruthless, grow some spine and learn the game of thrones 😂 and if you can’t go back to your world, devise a way to survive there or kill him if need be 😝 i still prefer the duke status, there’s a lil bit of freedom but the two men will kill each other anyway to get you so be at the top position for now. think later when you learn how the prince works 👌
Are you sure you can escape that world? Poor FL. Being now used and manipulated. Where is the Duke? Hahaha. I think he is the 2nd choice if not Roger.
approximately how many weeks do we have to wait for the next chapter??
Margooooo!! Can you help her reorganize her stat points??? The poor woman is broken!!
nah whatever, i’ll accept her marrying him if it means she can go home right away, but if she’s still stuck in here, then i’m done
noo i don’t want him! i don’t like him!! i hate him!!! don’t ever marry him!!!! arghh!!!!!!
Someone slap some sense in crochetta BCS if no I will make this happen🤬
I have faith in Margo… i guess…
Fuck this man she is too blind
Rodger deserved better fr
this is so frustratingly annoyinggg
This is so frustratingly annoying
Any spoilers?
That’s it. I’m dropping this 😒
Id rather you be with margo 🤦🤦🤦
Kawaii anime
This manhwa has lot of twist and suspense
Overly excited manga monkey gomez
I mean it’s already a nightmare being charm 999, might as well go with the worst candidate to get it over with. At least if she messes up his life he 10000% deserves it
I like drama
Fuck you, you son of a mother fucking bitch prince 😡😡😡
Stupid just stupid🙄
I like drama
Noooooooo fl don’t go with that crusty son of a bitchhh 😭😭😭