Guccibloom The backstory is so sad how can people hit a child ? August 27, 2021 at 12:23 pm Log in to Reply
Unicorn weeb Hhaahhaahahha…….. You are so freaking right?????? August 14, 2021 at 7:10 pm Log in to Reply
Lachimolala I don’t know but i don’t think she will die that quick cause female lead always have many live even if she had an accident August 12, 2021 at 4:33 pm Log in to Reply
The backstory is so sad how can people hit a child ?
Unicorn weeb
Hhaahhaahahha…….. You are so freaking right??????
No theres a story fl have more than 40 lives
Unicorn weeb
Female lead’s have 9 lives
I don’t know but i don’t think she will die that quick cause female lead always have many live even if she had an accident
Did she died?