The TL note on the dog food is most likely incorrect or a misunderstanding. “Eating dog food”/”Being made to eat dog food” is a chinese idiom/slang for having to witness public displays of affection from others- Being out with Yanran and her friend, she had to ‘eat dog food’ from their affections for eachother. Likewise, every time the FL is lovey with the ML, she’s making anyone around ‘eat dog food’. The concept comes up a lot in chinese manhua.
The TL note on the dog food is most likely incorrect or a misunderstanding. “Eating dog food”/”Being made to eat dog food” is a chinese idiom/slang for having to witness public displays of affection from others- Being out with Yanran and her friend, she had to ‘eat dog food’ from their affections for eachother. Likewise, every time the FL is lovey with the ML, she’s making anyone around ‘eat dog food’. The concept comes up a lot in chinese manhua.