In reality it would not make sense because the body of a woman before and after pregnancy and birth will never be the same and it is easy to tell for a doctor. 🤣
why he resembles so much? pls be a trick, but wanwan still virgin? or what? i don’t get why this kid don’t have parents but WHY he is there so SUDDENLY? I mean, I’m using my last brain cells to think WHO this KID is? if even wanwan don’t remember having children so? TF is that? My brain is burning 🙂💀🔥🔥🔥🔥
In reality it would not make sense because the body of a woman before and after pregnancy and birth will never be the same and it is easy to tell for a doctor. 🤣
But mama I'm in lov with a criminal✋😭♥️
why he resembles so much? pls be a trick, but wanwan still virgin? or what? i don’t get why this kid don’t have parents but WHY he is there so SUDDENLY? I mean, I’m using my last brain cells to think WHO this KID is? if even wanwan don’t remember having children so? TF is that? My brain is burning 🙂💀🔥🔥🔥🔥
Waaahhh! Super cute little demon boy! Just like her mom and dad! ??