He couldn’t even be assed to WALK OVER to the grave, they had to pull the headstone out and bring it to him? JFC.
He got half a point for showing up the right day, but then minus one for it being super late and not sending word, and then minus ten for going home instead of meeting, and minus another 20 for thinking she’d be bought off with a present. Minus 100 for sending a whole armed force to drag her back, and plus another half point for at least accompanying them. Then minus 1,000 for pulling the headstone out and thinking she’s stupid, and he’s going to be getting minus a million for the jealous bitch fit tantrum I just know he’s about to throw
Ml and his people are unbearable
He couldn’t even be assed to WALK OVER to the grave, they had to pull the headstone out and bring it to him? JFC.
He got half a point for showing up the right day, but then minus one for it being super late and not sending word, and then minus ten for going home instead of meeting, and minus another 20 for thinking she’d be bought off with a present. Minus 100 for sending a whole armed force to drag her back, and plus another half point for at least accompanying them. Then minus 1,000 for pulling the headstone out and thinking she’s stupid, and he’s going to be getting minus a million for the jealous bitch fit tantrum I just know he’s about to throw