So they were able to leave the king? Like he took the dragon egg and was like sick, I’m all better now. Go son be happy? I doubt that. But I do love she told everyone
Waaaahhhhh- no way the main story is completed😭 there better be many side stories about baby and life, and Noella with the torture machine she was promised😂
That passing of message was hilarious & reactions were priceless!!
So they were able to leave the king? Like he took the dragon egg and was like sick, I’m all better now. Go son be happy? I doubt that. But I do love she told everyone
What a pass!!!
me + ML tiddies <3
The passing down the news to Killian and father’s reaction is hilarious😂
me + ML tiddies <3
When will Sis Rebecca learn that Adele will always test her holiness as she will forever be Satan’s flower, the leader of the devil😂😂😂
me + ML tiddies <3
Waaaahhhhh- no way the main story is completed😭 there better be many side stories about baby and life, and Noella with the torture machine she was promised😂
What a way to share the good news hahaha I love her