I like how her delusions are so realistic… Especially when she admits that she reads so much that can’t keep up what story she is in right now. That is so real. And without really much of clues, you have to go most common troupe fitting from the starting point… Quite solid delusion to start with.
hoot tempered
So relatable🤣
ya i would definitely act like her too if i ever possess a character
Yeah, I have read so much that I would have no idea which one I’m in 😆😆
I like how her delusions are so realistic… Especially when she admits that she reads so much that can’t keep up what story she is in right now. That is so real. And without really much of clues, you have to go most common troupe fitting from the starting point… Quite solid delusion to start with.
cant wait till her delusions get broken lol