…..and with that bit of info her usefulness is at it’s end. She’ll probably get impatient again, try and wrangle a better deal out of the patriarch get caught by the mistress and end up dead
bro the translation is not killing me but you know what else is killing me? Malita. Like you do know that Ariadne came for useful information right? Why would she need to know about what Issabella does and what her older brother’s habits are. Do you think that is useful information… ***Skull Emoji*** (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
…..and with that bit of info her usefulness is at it’s end. She’ll probably get impatient again, try and wrangle a better deal out of the patriarch get caught by the mistress and end up dead
bro the translation is not killing me but you know what else is killing me? Malita. Like you do know that Ariadne came for useful information right? Why would she need to know about what Issabella does and what her older brother’s habits are. Do you think that is useful information… ***Skull Emoji*** (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
The translation is giving me a stroke but Ty for ur hard work
What is up with the odd translation. 😞