yea ok i cant do this…. honestly if the author of this one reads this comment, PLEASE for the love of all thats holy either fire your current translator if you only wanna pay for one translator or get a secondary translator who hell, doesnt even need to speak korean and whos only purpose is to translate the broken and nonsensical DIRECT transaltions from korean to english you have now into normal english and preferably honestly make it someone from europe since this manhwas time period is medieval meaning a native euorpean would have a dialect much closer to the medieval era than an american AND honestly based on the general appearance of the location i would maybe even suggest a british translator as their acccent would be even closer based on what little of the setting i have seen. ALSO PLEASE go back and restart this manwha with that extra translator AND fix the issue with the timing. let us see the incident where he gets struck by lightning AND hell, let us see his childhood with his two friends we saw with i think their names were harben and jenmia with also ask that translator common names in europe or look up a name generator for more common names especially since vlad is a more russian name but the setting seems likes its SUPPOSED to loosely be based on a medieval england. beyond that though i would also suggest showing us slowing a building corruption/threat in how the MC’s employer works conflicing perhaps with what we would initally see as them being kind and caring with them instead becoming more shady and offputing in how they act….
Holy yap bru
I was so flabbergasted, rn
Too many names
Calm down
yea ok i cant do this…. honestly if the author of this one reads this comment, PLEASE for the love of all thats holy either fire your current translator if you only wanna pay for one translator or get a secondary translator who hell, doesnt even need to speak korean and whos only purpose is to translate the broken and nonsensical DIRECT transaltions from korean to english you have now into normal english and preferably honestly make it someone from europe since this manhwas time period is medieval meaning a native euorpean would have a dialect much closer to the medieval era than an american AND honestly based on the general appearance of the location i would maybe even suggest a british translator as their acccent would be even closer based on what little of the setting i have seen. ALSO PLEASE go back and restart this manwha with that extra translator AND fix the issue with the timing. let us see the incident where he gets struck by lightning AND hell, let us see his childhood with his two friends we saw with i think their names were harben and jenmia with also ask that translator common names in europe or look up a name generator for more common names especially since vlad is a more russian name but the setting seems likes its SUPPOSED to loosely be based on a medieval england. beyond that though i would also suggest showing us slowing a building corruption/threat in how the MC’s employer works conflicing perhaps with what we would initally see as them being kind and caring with them instead becoming more shady and offputing in how they act….