What’s cool about this story tho, they didn’t make it seem like after getting maried you get the end credits and GGs.
There are fights, but ultimately, it is what makes a couple last. It’s annoying but most of the couples that fight (verbaly) all the time lasts dozens of years.
I would have loved to see how things would’ve gotten after she died tho.
I want to see his brothers and mother in human form😭😭
i wish that they’ll let see what happened after she passed😭
Good ending but I hope she really did convert to becoming an elf cause she has children now
I seriously thought: “damn she ded already”.
What’s cool about this story tho, they didn’t make it seem like after getting maried you get the end credits and GGs.
There are fights, but ultimately, it is what makes a couple last. It’s annoying but most of the couples that fight (verbaly) all the time lasts dozens of years.
I would have loved to see how things would’ve gotten after she died tho.
i am not crying thats rain