Forceful plot…they just forcefully make ell forget about the dragon after the fight end, and make rurin and ell misunderstood each other thinking they already dispose of the dragon body themselves…andddd ell is f 9tier archmage…how the f he can’t do thing that red dragon citney can? That citney can use powerful magic without disturbing the surrounding and slice some dragonhead easily…so why the f the 9 tier archmage can’t do that…? Seem f forceful to me….he can even do the strongest barrier…so why he not making one so the knight can’t escape…just teleport the rest of prisoners to other place and f fight to d end..ez,, and why mc can’t do a detection magic ..he have so f moreee magic than even the elder dragon so can’t he detect citney? Even tho citney know where he’s…and many more of his enemies sometimes know where he’s but he didn’t…it’s quite forceful to make a plot like this…even tho has the experience in battlefields where he need a constant warriness of their surrounding
TheReader. 25
Hm.. After seeing how they’re doing it like this I’m no longer going to read this…… Shame but not shame. Bye
Forceful plot…they just forcefully make ell forget about the dragon after the fight end, and make rurin and ell misunderstood each other thinking they already dispose of the dragon body themselves…andddd ell is f 9tier archmage…how the f he can’t do thing that red dragon citney can? That citney can use powerful magic without disturbing the surrounding and slice some dragonhead easily…so why the f the 9 tier archmage can’t do that…? Seem f forceful to me….he can even do the strongest barrier…so why he not making one so the knight can’t escape…just teleport the rest of prisoners to other place and f fight to d end..ez,, and why mc can’t do a detection magic ..he have so f moreee magic than even the elder dragon so can’t he detect citney? Even tho citney know where he’s…and many more of his enemies sometimes know where he’s but he didn’t…it’s quite forceful to make a plot like this…even tho has the experience in battlefields where he need a constant warriness of their surrounding
xx heavenly demon xx
Smells fishi🙂