Starburst It’s crazy to be cable to write coherent sentences when sleep walking. I’m guessing her sleep walking is when the spirit of the og owner of this body can control it and started to write her letters. December 18, 2024 at 5:57 am Log in to Reply
Nyanpasu WTF! Ah righttt! I forgot. She sleepwalks at night. Does that mean during those time, the old Sanya took control of the body? December 18, 2024 at 4:34 am Log in to Reply
Why this sounds creepy now….
It’s crazy to be cable to write coherent sentences when sleep walking. I’m guessing her sleep walking is when the spirit of the og owner of this body can control it and started to write her letters.
Ah righttt! I forgot. She sleepwalks at night. Does that mean during those time, the old Sanya took control of the body?